Gifted Resources
Gifted Student's Bill of Right
Students have a right...
- to know about your giftedness
- to learn something new every day
- to be passionate about your talent area without apologies
- to have an identity beyond your talent area
- to feel good about your accomplishments
- to make mistakes
- to seek guidance in the development of your talent
- to have multiple peer groups and a variety of friends
- to choose which of your talent area you wish to pursue
- not to be gifted at everything.
---Del Siegle 2007-2009 NAGC President
West Middle School Gifted Resource Teacher
There is a certified Gifted Resource Teacher (GRT) available for West Middle School students two days per week.
The GRT works closely with classroom teachers to assist with developing engaging, rigorous curriculum for students who are identified as having needs for differentiated curriculum.
Additionally the GRT:
- works to identify students using the D11 Gifted Identification Protocol
- screens all incoming 6th graders using the Cognitive Abilities Test
- plans differentiated and rigorous opportunities that complement classroom instruction
- assists students with executive functioning in order to optimize the development of an organizational skill-set.
- provides social emotional learning opportunities
- facilitates advanced learning plan development
TIPP (Talented in Pikes Peak region) is another opportunity for West Middle School students to get recognized for their gifted talents in the Arts; Orchestra, Band, Vocal Music, Visual Arts, Dance and Theater. The GRT works closely with classroom teachers to identify students that show talent in these areas.