Middle School Counselors
The West Counseling Department collaborates with our diverse population of students, staff, and community to build a safe climate that promotes long-term success. We are equitable and data-driven and meet the needs of the whole student using academic, social and emotional learning, and career and college readiness programming.
Students thrive with intention, purpose, and goals. They advocate for support, develop unique academic and emotional strengths, and have the skills to navigate the challenges of a diverse society to profoundly impact our world.
Alec Finley-6th and 7th grade counselor
call: (719) 328-3917
text: (719) 257-3695
Sarah Clapham-8th grade counselor
My webex: https://cssd11.webex.com/meet/sarah.clapham
Access number: 924 722 708
call: (719) 328-3907
text: (914) 809-0435